Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Signs of Spring

My gray yarn came on Saturday!! I can start my afghan as soon as I finish two little projects.

The first project is this little bag. Kim has been wanting a felted carrying bag for her CD/MP3 player. I did this on Saturday, there are two little button holes on the ends where we will thread through straps, which happens to be the purple below this picture. I am still working on it. We want the strap to be approximately 48 inches once it is felted, so I am making it about 1/3 longer.

The second project is resizing John's cable hat from Christmas. It was a tad too big and it was letting cold air in under it. I am to the decreases. Both of these projects could be done in an evening.

Signs of Spring at my house., regardless of what the hedgehogs said on Friday. I went out to get the mail yesterday and noticed the crocus are blooming. Usually we see them coming up, then just barely starting to bloom. It usually takes a week or so once we first notice them. This year it happened all at once.

The roses are starting to sprout before we have even trimmed them down. Supposedly we are not to trim them until President's weekend, but I am considering trimming them down this weekend.
And this guy, we saw in our backyard this afternoon. All of a sudden John said, hey, there's a woodpecker on our maple tree. So, I grabbed the camera in hopes he wouldn't leave before I was able to get a picture. He climbed all the way up into to y of the tree, then around to the other side.

1 comment:

roxie said...

Yay woodpecker! Get those bugs!!

Yes, it IS time to go prune the rosebushes, isn't it?

Fun bag for the player. I'm eager to see it felted! And I want pictures of the hat, too!