Monday, October 23, 2006

Birthday Week

October is birthday month at our house. And in our extended family as well. We probably have 15 birthdays in dh's family alone, with a couple on my side.

We are going out for lunch today at Macaroni Grill, and my kids are taking me to the movies later. I really want to see "One Night With The King". It's about Queen Esther. I saw the trailer and it looks great!!

This quiz really isn't me. I hate yellow, well not hate, but will not wear it, or use it for any purpose, I dislike it that much. It looks a lot better as autumn leaves. And my weakness? I feel very satisfied in this time of my life!! I think I can stick to things, I'm not that bad about it. So, this quiz is a pretty bad one in my opinion.

Your Birthdate: October 23

You're not good at any one thing, and that's the problem.
You're good at so much - you never know what to do.
Change is in your blood, and you don't stick to much for long.
You are destined for a life of travel and fun.

Your strength: Your likeability

Your weakness: You never feel satisfied

Your power color: Bright yellow

Your power symbol: Asterisk

Your power month: May

1 comment:

Sidsel said...

Happy birthday to you...a little to late. :o)But hope you had a nice day!Thanks so much for your nice comment on my blog.Find it so warming to get in contact with other "hobby-freak-people" outside Norway..My "Aroma-apples" is very nice in pies an so on..Have not tried a applesauce,perhaps you will share with me your day..Have a nice week and take care..
Regards from Sidsel,Norway